sin más

por encontrarme, te dejo, por cuidarme me alejo
a pesar & sin alivio, pero en paz.
porque dejarte es elegirme
porque por lo que falta, se termina
y lo que sobra no basta.
por un adios sin aviso
y un hasta luego sin futuro.
te dejo.

the journey – poem by david whyte (via

(when leaving is arriving)

Above the mountains
the geese turn into
the light again

Painting their
black silhouettes
on an open sky.

Sometimes everything
has to be
inscribed across
the heavens

so you can find
the one line
already written
inside you.

Sometimes it takes
a great sky
to find that

first, bright
and indescribable
wedge of freedom
in your own heart.

Sometimes with
the bones of the black
sticks left when the fire
has gone out

someone has written
something new
in the ashes of your life.

You are not leaving.
Even as the light fades quickly now,
you are arriving.

dos, amigos

siempre, la distancia,

a veces cerca, en secreto

al mundo, a ellos

en silencio,

solo el sentimiento, une

las palabras distancian,

quizás un dia,

la mirada, los ojos

valentia o cobardia

se desaten y vean.

tu mano, en la mia.

tu compañía

te leo, te siento,

la sangre se transforma

sobredosis de sentires


de amor y de locura

de tocarte sin tenerte

embriaguez de palabras, tuyas y mías


tu busco , te vas

te animas, te escondes

me descubres inédita


del desvelo de mis sábanas

me despierto cansada

borracha de tus palabras


aun te siento,

aunque sola, sin ti,

te llevo hoy conmigo

en tu invento de mí

word by word

There were so many things unsaid

and undone between us.


Why is there always that feeling

That I missed something

A move, a glance, a kiss, a chance.

Why do I keep sinking in this sad vacuum?

Why is it that there is this time of the year that

I become a tear, and feel ok about it.

Is there any chance I’ll walk away from it?

Why am I always waiting

for this ghost to appear?

What is he trying to say?

What am I trying to listen?

Silence/breath/whisper and silence

no claim




they fall apart

into the Dionysus’s magma again.

Silence/breath/whisper and silence

My soul becomes lonely again,

no word stands by me.

(wrote this ages ago.. not my favourite at all, specially one part i dislike… a lot! but hey! this is what its all about.. about dis-covering)

The last poem…

There is nothing left for me to share with you.. all my pain is in vain.. all my feelings have been stolen.. once more.. again…

No matter how much time passes.. no matter how far I travel.. my right to love you has been stolen..

Hope  used to be my enemy… friendly only from times to time.. but now… even my right to hope has been taken …

I have no option, but to forgive and forget… once more… again…

Quote: “we have forgiven when we can remember with no pain”

Song: “This Low” by Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova